Gerard Sennelier

A Humble Knight Errant


Basic Details

Heritage: Ishgardian Elezen
Age: Looks to be in his mid 30's.
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Knight Errant
Allegiance: House Charbonneau, under House Dzemel.
Residence: Ishgard
Family: No living family.
Associates: Victor and Kylian
Mount: Felicien, a Highland Griffin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Personality: ESTJ
Relationships: Taken


Early Days

Like many in the Brume, he dreamt of a better life. The path to become a Knight was a struggle with its share of misery and close calls, but eventually he made it. Ser Gerard - it sounded so sweet after all his efforts.It reaffirmed his dedication to Halone, seeing her guiding hand in his achievements. After all, how could anything done in her name be the wrong path?

The Turning Point

The task was to be a simple one, investigate the area for hints of the missing carriage...
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After the War

A time for old friends, and new enemies.Events are currently unfolding in an on-going story!

The Blood of Halone

The task was to be a simple one, investigate the area for hints of the missing carriage. They expected wild beasts, an avalanche or rock fall; they expected to find bodies to send into Halone’s care. They were not ready for what they found as the Horde descended on them. It was a rout.Now the remaining knights huddled in a small cave, bloodied and weary as they waited out the snowstorm. The House Friar was clearly in shock, and as he stared blankly into the small fire they managed to get going he began to speak.”In my grandfather’s library, I once found a secret door that led to a small prayer room. The Fury stood tall on her pedestal, before her lay an old and much-worn tome, and a small stone bowl carved as if from red ice.” Slowly, the knights turned to listen to his tale - what else was there for them to do?“My grandfather was furious when he caught me, I was 'too young' he said. But then he relented, telling me a tale of a time long ago when the races huddled much like this,” he gestured a hand around the small group of House Knights, “The cold cutting to the bone in the Calamity of Ice. They too prayed to Halone, and she provided.” He then reached into his robes to pull out the small stone bowl.The Friar went on to describe a ritual, The Blood of Halone he called it. Of the five House Knights there that night, only three agreed to take part in the ancient ritual. It worked, as they drank deep from the small stone cup their limbs felt lighter, the cold less biting. When the snow storm ended, the three Knights were the only ones to have survived the night, and when they faced the Horde again they came out victorious.


Hello, and thanks for taking a moment to read this carrd!Currently Gerard is one of the antagonist in an on-going FC plotline. He may play the charming and kind Knight in public, but the reality is far from it.If you'd like to interact with this character or get involved in the story, please let me know!


- Character driven rp, and the slow development of long-term relationships.
- IC friends, enemies, & adventuring companions.
- Character and story development.
- Open world adventure roleplay.
- Mystery, intrigue, morally-grey dilemmas and slice-of-life.
- In-game one-on-one or small group (2-3 people) roleplay meet-ups.


- Purely romance driven characters & plotlines, or ERP. (Romance itself is ok if it develops naturally, and makes sense for the characters. No pre-planned.)
- Overly antagonistic characters, and conflict for the sake of conflict with no story.
- "Tavern" roleplay.
- People who blur ic/occ or have no boundaries.


In-game: Gerard Sennelier @Mateus, Crystal
Discord: Available by request.